Wednesday 30 October 2013

Palada Pradhaman


I used to buy priya brand palada which is very good for palada pradhaman. You can see the instructions on the packet itself.


Palada                       : 1 pkt
Milk                          : 2 ltrs
Condensed milk       : 1 can
Sugar                        : ½ kg
Cashew                     : 10 pcs
Raisins                      : 2 tbsp
Caradamom              : 5 pods
Ghee                         : 1 tbsp


Soak the palada in hot water for 20 mins.  Drain the water.  Rinse it with cold water.
In a thick bottomed pan add milk and palada and cook till the palada becomes soft.
Mix the condensed milk with 1 cup of water and pour this to the palada. Add sugar and let it boil. Stir it frequently to avoid burning the bottom of the vessel. When the payasam is thickening remove from the fire.
Fry the cashews (broken) and raisins in the ghee and pour it over the payasam. Grind the cardamom along with 1 tbsp of sugar and sprinkle it over the payasam. Serve it hot or cold.

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