Wednesday 1 January 2014

Ghee rice


Basmathi rice                   : 2 cups
Onions(thinly sliced)       :2
Green chillies                   : 2 slit lengthtwise
Garlic                               : 2 cloves
Ginger                              : small piece
Cloves                              : 3
Cardamoms                      : 3
Cinnamon                         : 1" piece
Bay leaf                            : 1
Cashews                           : 10
Coconut milk                   : 2 cups
Ghee                                 : 5 tbsp

Crush garlic, ginger and green chillies together.
Heat 3 tbsp of ghee in a pan and add cinnamon, cloves, cardamom and bay leaf. Fry for a minute and add crushed ginger garlic paste and saute. Now add half the sliced onions and saute well.  Add the rice and fry for 2 mins. Transfer this to a rice cooker and add coconut milk and one and a half cups of water, salt and let it cook till the water got absorbed.
Heat the remaining ghee and fry cashews and remaining onions to golden brown and garnish the rice.

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